Generate Fake Airline Tickets Or Boarding Pass

This article is for those users who want to prank their friends. There can be some situation where you want to prank your friends and make them sure that you literally took that flight. But in reality you're not going to travel in any airplane. Now most of the people might be thinking to create fake boarding pass using adobe photoshop. Let me clear you one thing the method which I am going to demonstrate is far better than using photoshop. It doesn't need any kind of technical skills. Also it won't take hours to create fake plane ticket similar to photoshop.
Generate Fake Airline Ticket Boarding Pass
Generate Fake Airline Ticket Boarding Pass
There's an online tool called Ticket-o-Matic to generate original looking airline ticket in seconds. Now you don't have any need to spend hours and test your photoshop skills. It's a 3 steps process which wouldn't take more than two minutes. Simply enter your name, departure city, destination city, flight date, boarding time and select an airline. Currently they are offering 33 different airlines to choose from. 

Believe me! boarding pass looks real. The only reason behind it is that it contain airline logo, bar code and every small information. Once you're done, you can save it as either .png or .jpg format. Also you can email your first class ticket to your friends. 

How To Generate Fake Airline Ticket 

  • Navigate to their website from here.
  • Enter all the required information such as name, from, to, flight date, boarding time, airlines and click on submit button.
Insert Passenger Details
Insert Passenger Details

  • Now simply email it or save it on your system.
Email Save Ticket
Email Save Ticket

  • Prank your friends with this fake airplane ticket.
So this was all about how to generate fake ticket for airline or boarding pass. Save your time and trick your friends with this amazing tool. If you've any doubt or query then feel free to leave a comment below in the comment section.

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